The other day I was asked;
“Why wasn't the Constitution adequate to protect us from the onslaught of progressive legislation?”
My short answer is that The Constitution has always been adequate to protect us - that said - it requires something of us - that our human constitution is not compromised. That we are not confounded. That we can orient to & navigate in Reality. That pursuit of the light of objective truth is not snuffed out in subjective darkness. Liberty quite literally requires this of us:
This is the Founders meaning of the term ‘A Moral People.’ Not a call to Collectivist Class Voice, or Authoritarian Religious Governance, but the grounding of each individual in the moral philosophy; the Common Sense Principles of Metaphysical Realism, intrinsic to our human constitution; how we were made by our Creator - whether we believe that to be God or Nature’s God. The shared objective reality of We The People, transcending sectarian affiliations and differences. The shared understanding and expression of how we know what we know; the intelligibility of our world, in congruence with our family, neighbors, peers, friends, co-workers and community at large.
(The Rise & Fall of Scottish Common Sense Realism - McDermid)
It is this grounding which has been disabled & disorientated by the tactical deployment of sophistry in the academy; the training of our teachers, of faith leaders, of public service leadership and most perniciously - even of those who’ve sworn an oath to protect the Constitution. This strategic subversion of infrastructure personnel at all levels cuts right across categorical divides of faith members, agnostics, atheists and party political affiliations.
It is largely through the theories and techniques (crucially their underlying philosophical drivers) of Social Science (including Management Theory) and reframed UN aligned ‘Ethics’ frameworks that subversion has operationalized within Education, Religious Institutions and Workplaces; the entire Public Square - successfully tempting many to abandon their Constitutional limiting principles, to accommodate, even warmly embrace, unconstitutional ideas and practices. Those techniques of subversion originated from Tavistock (originally the British Propaganda War Office) and its networked international affiliated institutions. The techniques deployed are far older than Tavistock, ancient in fact, but that’s for another lesson, one taught exceptionally well here:
How do you attempt to destroy a Constitutional Republic without launching open declared warfare upon its people? Through stealth tactics and covert operations over a multi-generational time frame. You play The Long Game; Fabian strategy. You use methods of soft power to influence, manipulate and subvert. It is not only that you fail to instruct students on the implications and consequences of The Constitution being created specifically for ‘A Moral People.’ Or that this does not mean authoritarian religious governance, but rather shared understanding and acknowledgement of human nature (‘For Men Are Not Angels’). It’s not simply that you minimize or remove any teaching ‘about’ The Constitution from the Civics curriculum. Or fail to acknowledge the fact that it was created for all men and for all time - ever present.
It is much more insidious than that. You create and weaponize Education Philosophy, Pedagogy, Praxis and Policy to do the job for you. State Education was established expressly for this purpose:
The task of the New Frontier Thinkers, the architects of Education, from the very inception of the Federal Reserve onwards, was to undermine and negate Constitutional Principles.
To design and deploy Affective Learning pedagogy to reframe the attitudes, feelings and beliefs of (first) teachers and thereby, students in K-12 across America (thereafter through the West).
Q. How do you get people to willingly abandon their Constitutional principles?
A. Subvert their understanding of their own individual human constitution.
Q. What does that mean?
A. Teach them lies about human nature. Not only lies though, it’s crucial to mix in ‘some’ truth, just not in any way which supports discernment. Lies married to truth tend to be indiscernible and irresistible for anyone unmoored from objective reality and limiting principles. An ancient formula for Operational Success if you want to get the lies to really ‘stick.’
Q. So how are the cognitive defenses initially breeched and sufficiently weakened to unmoor people from objective reality?
A. Oh this is subtle and rather sophisticated. It takes ‘expert’ philosophy (Schülephilosophie) to do this, usually by substituting scientific method for rhetorical device. Supplanting Reason (anchored in self-evident Principles of Common Sense) with 🎶Pure🎵‘Imagination’.
Q. But aren’t they ultimately the same?
A. No - but that’s a lesson for another day.
Q. What do those ‘experts’ use to achieve that?
A. Well, if you remove those limiting principles of Common Sense (congruent with our given human nature - our individual constitution) and ‘unburden Reason from what has been’ you can liberate Reason to make Man the Measure of All. Reason becoming ‘as’ God. Reason as the sole judge of truth. This is the Pride of Philosophy operationalized in the Theory Of Ideas, a rather ancient enchantment (curse) clothed in the garb of science.
(The Rise & Fall Of Scottish Common Sense Realism - McDermid)
‘Descartes made a subtle shift away from the Realism of the Scholastic philosophers and introduced an *error which has become the plague of modern philosophy. Descartes wrongly considered ‘thought’ to be the object of thought and almost every philosopher outside the scholastic tradition has accepted what he affirmed as though it were a demonstrated truth. Descartes was the originator of a deep-seated and definite prejudice in favour of subjectivism.’ (Thomas. A. Howe)
*error of that magnitude has great utility of course for ‘Operational Success’:
(The Rise & Fall Of Scottish Common Sense Realism - McDermid)
In claiming that their endeavours are reconciling disputes between “Religion” and “Science” on the matter of how we know what we know (the intelligibility of the world around us, including how and what we understand about ourselves) Descartes and the lineage of philosophers the ‘Theory Of Ideas’ gave rise to functioned as the enabling mechanism for Ideologies of both the “Left” and the “Right Hand” of the Left (what many have mistaken for the “Right”). Political Social Theory has been predicated upon us accepting this contrived dialectical framework which holds us within the orbit of Statism, both attracted to and reacting against false contrary dialectical poles. In short, it’s how we’ve been removed from objective grounding in limiting principles and the moral philosophy of the Founding Fathers which informed Constitutional Liberty.
Q. Oh thank goodness, I thought you’d forgotten we were supposed to be talking about Constitutional Principles. Why have you bored me with a philosophy lesson? What on earth has philosophy of the past got to do with the problems of the present?
A. I’m afraid philosophy of ‘the past’ drives action (and reaction) of ‘the present’ at the deepest levels. The most important levels if you really want to understand what has caused our present situation and therefore be equipped to shape proposals for mitigating harm or maximizing remedy.
Founding Father James Wilson understood the grave threat the ‘Theory Of Ideas’ posed to Popular Sovereignty, thereby individual liberty:
(Christopher J. Breay)
(Christopher J. Breay - ‘The Philosophy of Thomas Reid As The Foundation For James Wilson’s Theory Of Popular Sovereignty’, 2023)
Here we see how the “Theories” of Hobbes & other sophists of the mythical ‘State Of Nature’ arguments lend themselves ever so conveniently to bolstering arguments in favour of tyrannical Statism. That fertile fallacies regarding our understanding of human nature can be immensely profitable to Statist ambition. In the same way that Rousseau’s “Theories” were to the Progressive Pedagogy of State Education☠️. Adam Ferguson called out the sophistry of ‘State Of Nature’ arguments (and much else!) in 1767:
Unfortunately this hasn’t deterred Philosophy Graduates™️ from referencing the sophists’ speculations on Man ‘in some imaginary state of nature’. Which is not surprising as ‘The’ Academy has remained rather vested in those Theories™️ in generalist Philosophy Programs, while airbrushing out James Wilson, Thomas Reid, James Oswald, James Beattie and the Scottish Common Sense Realism School of Philosophy which the Founding Fathers were well versed and grounded in. From which they drew their insights and analysis shaping the Declaration Of Independence and The Constitution. Now why would our institutions of learning; our schools, colleges and universities not want to ensure an electorate had at least a basic functional awareness of the moral philosophy informing and underpinning that on which their individual liberty and national sovereignty depends? Why would that not be essential to learn and understand for all public servants swearing an oath to defend, preserve and uphold the Constitution?
From the notion that ‘all we can ever know is the contents of our minds’ - confinement within subjectivism - to the State of Nature sophistry and all the way to Intersectionality and the notion that we ‘create’ reality and Joe Kincheloe’s Critical Constructivist ‘new Ontology of Man’ - all subversive ideology has one purpose. To consolidate the tyranny of Statism. Weakening our human constitution - disorienting, disabling our discernment, our navigation - has always been purposed for severing us from the Constitutional Principles of Liberty and Sovereignty enshrined for all men & for all time.
(The Rise & Fall Of Scottish Common Sense Realism - McDermid)
The Constitution has never failed The People but our institutions of Education certainly have, as was their remit by the vested interests funding them. Detailed here:
And here:
If the Nation’s Education is to equip The People to ‘Keep’ its ‘Republic’ there must be a restoration of The Founder’s Vision for Education:
Nurturing and development of Cognitive Liberty needs to be the foundational premise and telos of Education for the Republic from the ground up, honoured by every adult employed/contracted to teach/tutor/coach/direct/assist and generally educate the Nation’s children.
An Education predicated on George Washington’s reminder to The People of their need to remain ‘Constantly Awake’ to ‘the baneful foes of a Republic’.
As current levels of subversion & political indoctrination in our captured institutions & professional accreditation bodies/associations shows us ~ this is a matter of National Security ~ which sadly is not hyperbole.
The Founders warned that the ‘perils of the past’ are ‘always with us’. That’s why The Constitution is for all men and for all time - ever present. They stipulated that those perils - ‘insidious wiles’ - must ‘be defended against with each new generation’ and that this was the telos of Public Education:
The purpose of Education was not Workforce Preparedness, it was expressly to equip The People who ARE the government with the requisite formation to uphold their duties in safeguarding their liberties. This is what must be restored - not only to the Nation’s children but also to the current generation of public servants who have suffered the Theft Of Education:
as had their parents and grandparents at the hands of Progressive Education in the preceding decades:
I’ll close with the very practical advice on how to aid this process in our existing infrastructure from Clint Chavarria @ClassicLiberal12 on X:
Christine Jones posts on X/Twitter under the handle @thepalmerworm and on substack at
Hi, recently attended a meeting where a family's child, diagnosed with ‘adhd’ was experiencing ‘behavioural problems’ at school, not attending classes, defiant, wandering the corridors. The school staff stated that when challenged the girl said..”it's my adhd’’.
It was cleat that the child was bright, independent and…bored.
These diagnosis, this fraud of labelling, is a control method but nobody calls it out. Boredom?..lack of interest? Don't conform? Here, have a bogus, made up acronym.