Hi, recently attended a meeting where a family's child, diagnosed with ‘adhd’ was experiencing ‘behavioural problems’ at school, not attending classes, defiant, wandering the corridors. The school staff stated that when challenged the girl said..”it's my adhd’’.

It was cleat that the child was bright, independent and…bored.

These diagnosis, this fraud of labelling, is a control method but nobody calls it out. Boredom?..lack of interest? Don't conform? Here, have a bogus, made up acronym.

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There are financial incentives for schools to label students with designated ‘conditions’ - it accesses funding. That’s before we even get into the pedagogy & methods taught to teachers are those which do not stimulate & engage the rational apparatus which thrives on challenging engagement, sequentially developed, with plenty of opportunity to demonstrate success. Students also need a calm, disciplined structured environment. They can not function in chaos. Most schools refuse to acknowledge this - with constant low & mid level (even high level) noise & distraction tolerated as the norm. Contrary to Education Pedagogy diktats from the Schools of Ed through the past century - students do not thrive in a culture of Affective Learning. They need well structured Cognitive Learning methodologies which nurture & support the development of their objective, rational faculties, not the fetishistic pathology of exploiting their emotions & subjectivity (in service to ideological activism). Often students labelled with ADHD are bright & starved for decent skilled teaching. While schools are staffed with ‘adults’ incapable of providing this, it’s good to seek educational alternatives, if possible.

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